Saturday 22 October 2011

Can Internet make you RICH??

wOW... do you think this is real.

 Some of them get extra income and some of them doing it as a full time job.  There a no rules .. no limit and nobody will disturb you.

Most of the blogger were blogging about themselves which refers as personal blog.  As this method have become a trend..blogs were also used to sell things.  It's opening your market to other people around the world or at least around Malaysia.  Believe me..there are people who will ask about your product.

Few examples of Malaysian blogger  that get their extra income from internet are Irfan Khairi with his link ..another famous blogger who earns her living from just writing anything that comes to her mind - redmummy with her link

Social media or viral marketing is using who ever likes to talk ..likes to write in blog, twitter, facebook to promote thier product and you will get an insentive from your not so 'hard work'.

Let see the top 5 website (in malaysia only), which you can search at any time through alexa , the web information company

1. Facebook
2. Google
3. You Tube
4. Blogger
5. Yahoo

and the top 10 blogger are:
  1. Beautiful Nara ( Alexa 64/ 11,804, PR3)
  2. ( Alexa 89/ 18,400, PR2)
  3. (Alexa 93/15,125, PR5)
  4. (Alexa 111/ 22,179, PR4)
  5. (Alexa 122/ 22,883, PR3)
  6. (Alexa 132/ 30,351, PR4)
  7. (Alexa 145/ 29,573, PR3)
  8. (Alexa 151/ 38,729, PR2)
  9. (Alexa : 163/32109, PR4)
  10. (Alexa 215/ 42,409, PR3)
check out  their blogs... maybe there's something that might open your eyes & minds

there no harm to try isn't it..

Wednesday 12 October 2011

360 - Handphone and Internet

Did you guys watch this last night.. it's discussing on uploading unnecessary info /data issue.. where people likes to take picture or video using handphone and uploaded it to the internet.

There were many cases which most of it humiliating other people on purpose and some of it just for fun.    They interviewed few students and artist which involved in these cases to get their feedback.

Seriously this thing should be controlled. Maybe they can charge the people who doing it in court but to overcome it, something should be done.  A drastic action should  be taken.. if day your 5 year old kid would know how to do it 

Monday 10 October 2011

Hello There .....



Thanks to Allah for giving me idea to named the blog and it's content. Thanks to En Iddin, the PRO 622 lecturer for the guidance on how to blog something that is useful and not just the agora for nonsense things... thanks to the classmate who have been 'assigned' to scruntinize this blog as well as others..

Thank you all..